Bret Hart Versus Hulk Hogan

I was baffled when Eric wasted Hart versus Hogan

on a free match at Nitro,

throwing away a guaranteed moneymaker

that the fans had been waiting years for.

The plan, in my view, was insane.

He wanted me to turn babyface during an in-ring interview,

challenge Hogan, then get injured

and have Sting take my place.

When Sting twisted Hogan into his scorpion death lock,

I would limp back out and double-cross Sting

by DDTing him headfirst into the mat, turning heel again.

To turn me heel at this point was so stupid,

it felt like sabotage.

Bret Hart (The Hitman)

Hulk Hogan I Bought The Name

I own Hulk Hogan, Hulkamania, Hulkster.

I’m one of the few guys who own the name,

rights, trademarks, and licenses.

Vince goes, ‘I want you to be Hulk Hogan.’

‘What does Hulk Hogan mean?’

‘Ivan Putski for the Polish Americans,

Bruno Sammartino for the Italian Americans,

Chief Jay Strongbow for the Native Americans,

and Hulk Hogan for the Irish Americans.’

Vince gave me the name.

Vince Sr dies, Vince Jr takes over.

Right when Hulk Hogan takes off,

we get a call Marvel comics.

‘You’re infringing on our mark. Reasonably similar.

We’re going to sue you, put you in litigation.’

We let them have the name, didn’t license the name.

I only had to pay them one-tenth of 1%.

That went from 1985 to 2005. In 2005, it’s over.

Now, I can’t use Hulk Hogan anymore,

and I’m red hot in 2005.

I went to my attorney,

‘I don’t give a damn what deal you make,

you’re going to make a deal because I need the name.’

What happened was, I got a one-year extension

and I had to pay them 30% of everything I made.

Movies, TV wrestling, they got 30% of everything,

but if they decided to sell the name,

they had to give me first shot at it.

They couldn’t sell the name or do anything.

Fair market value. All of a sudden,

Marvel Comics gets in a bitchfest with WWE

about intellectual properties,

that they can’t re-air old Hulk Hogan matches.

Marvel Comics lost. They owe Vince $35 million.

They made a huge mistake.

They said, ‘Instead of paying $35 million,

how about we give you the Hulk Hogan name.’

I heard about it and went, ‘You screwed up now.’

Now, I don’t have to pay $35 million for the name,

you have to sell it for me for fair money value,’

which is only $750 grand. I bought the name back.

Vince wanted to buy the name from me.

‘Nah, I got this one.’

I bought the name back and I own everything.

Hulk Hogan

Muhammad Ali No Fighter Like Me

Now, a whole lot of people ain't going to like this.

But I'm going to tell you the truth - you asked me.

It's too many great old champions

to go listing them one by one.

But ain't no need to.

I think that Joe Louis, in his prime,

could have whipped them all.

I mean anyone you want to name.

And I would have beat Louis.

- Now, look - people don't like to face the facts.

- All they can think about is Joe Louis' punch.

Well, he did have a punch, just like Liston has a punch.

But if Louis didn't hit nothing but air,

like Liston didn't with me,

then we got to look at other things.

Even if Louis did hit me a few times,

remember they all said Liston was a tougher

one-punch man than even Joe Louis.

And I took some of Liston's best punches.

Remember that.

- Then, too, I'm taller than Louis.

But I tell you what would decide the fight:

I'm faster than Louis was.

No, Louis and none of the rest of them couldn't whip me.

Look - it ain't never been another fighter like me.

Ain't never been no nothing like me.

Muhammad Ali

Bret Hart (The Hitman) Quotes

Bret Sergeant Hart - Canadian-American - Retired professional wrestler, Member of the Hart wrestling family, Second-generation wrestler, Amateur wrestling background at Ernest Manning High School and Mount Royal College. July 02, 1957

04 Quotes Of Bret The Hitman Hart

Triple H is a bodybuilder nut. He goes after the bodies. He doesn't care how good - and he can look in the mirror - guys work; he cares how guys look.

He thought that Hulk Hogan was the greatest wrestler in the world. They think Ultimate Warrior was the greatest wrestler in the world because that's what they're attracted to, but he's not really a wrestling fan like I grew up. I was a wrestling fan.

There’s always some guys… you always wonder how they got there. And I never thought Triple H ever had an idea, original idea, for anything. And I always thought he was overrated. The only reason people even know him or remember him today is because of daddy, daddy-in-law.

I was baffled when Eric wasted Hart versus Hogan on a free match at Nitro, throwing away a guaranteed moneymaker that the fans had been waiting years for. The plan, in my view, was insane. He wanted me to turn babyface during an in-ring interview, challenge Hogan, then get injured and have Sting take my place. When Sting twisted Hogan into his scorpion death lock, I would limp back out and double-cross Sting by DDTing him headfirst into the mat, turning heel again. To turn me heel at this point was so stupid, it felt like sabotage.

Bret Hart Talking About HHH 3

There’s always some guys…

you always wonder how they got there.

And I never thought Triple H ever had an idea,

original idea, for anything.

And I always thought he was overrated.

The only reason people even know him or remember him

today is because of daddy, daddy-in-law.

Bret Hart (The Hitman)

Bret Hart Talking About HHH 2

He thought that Hulk Hogan

was the greatest wrestler in the world.

They think Ultimate Warrior was the greatest wrestler

in the world because that's what they're attracted to,

but he's not really a wrestling fan like I grew up.

I was a wrestling fan.

Bret Hart (The Hitman)

Bret Hart Talking About HHH

Triple H is a bodybuilder nut.

He goes after the bodies.

He doesn't care how good

 - and he can look in the mirror

 - guys work; he cares how guys look.

Bret Hart (The Hitman)

Miriam Defensor Santiago Quotes

Philippine - Academic, Author, Judge, Lawyer, Scholar, Stateswoman (Served in all three branches of the Philippine government: judicial, executive, and legislative.) - June 15, 1945 - September 29, 2016

12 Quotes Of Miriam Defensor Santiago

Await occasions and never hurry.

Life is a consequence of our moral choices.

Hindi lahat ng sweet ay loyal sa’yo. Tandaan, sweet nga ang candy, pero nakabalot naman sa plastic.

In a corrupt country, if you want to succeed in politics, you must keep your conscience under control.

A smart wife is one who makes sure she spends so much that her husband can't afford another woman.

It is wrong to think that happiness is a series of unrelated experiences. On the contrary, happiness is an ordered whole characterizing an entire life.

What is the meaning of life? This meaning is not for you to find, but for you to define. The meaning of life is found in the purposes that we pursue as we grow older.

I have no illusions about myself, about my life, about leaving a legacy, or making a mark in people's lives. We are so insignificant. We are only here for a blink.

Dare beyond your strength, hazard beyond your judgment, and in extremities, proceed in excellent hope. Bare the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.

In my view, leadership is the courage to take risks in defense of a position that is both legal and moral. The politician who tries to become a wise guy by becoming friends to everybody - corrupt or not - is not a leader.

Before I formulate an opinion, I try as a scholar and as an academician to read entire libraries on the topic and to listen to as many people as possible, regardless of whether they are savants or plain fools. However, once I have formed an opinion, I no longer want to change it. Only experience can tell me whether I'm right or I'm wrong. If I'm right, I will gloat a little bit about it. If I'm wrong, then I will excoriate myself, I will apologize publicly.

In my approaching old age, I am now supposed to share with you what life has taught me, and in the end to encapsulate for you what is the meaning of life. From where I am now, I find that these conundrums are easily answered. First, life teaches us that, whether we perceive it as predestined or as random, it is beyond any person's control. Second, there is no template for the meaning of life. Instead, the meaning of life is what you choose to make it mean. In making your choice, when you reach my age, your journey becomes an affirmation of the warning that life is a consequence of our moral choices.

Miriam Defensor Santiago Choices

In my approaching old age,

I am now supposed to share

with you what life has taught me,

and in the end to encapsulate

for you what is the meaning of life.

From where I am now,

I find that these conundrums

are easily answered.

First, life teaches us that,

whether we perceive it as predestined or as random,

it is beyond any person's control.

Second, there is no template for the meaning of life.

Instead, the meaning of life

is what you choose to make it mean.

In making your choice, when you reach my age,

your journey becomes an affirmation

of the warning

that life is a consequence of our moral choices.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

Miriam Defensor Santiago My Opinion

Before I formulate an opinion,

I try as a scholar and as an academician

to read entire libraries on the topic

and to listen to as many people as possible,

regardless of whether

they are savants or plain fools.

However, once I have formed an opinion,

I no longer want to change it.

Only experience can tell me

whether I'm right or I'm wrong.

If I'm right, I will gloat a little bit about it.

If I'm wrong, then I will excoriate myself,

I will apologize publicly.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

About Me

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I knew I could make money online since the internet's infancy, so I was always creating sites while everyone else was just finding chat rooms and chat buddies. Many of the blogs on this list are my own, but some are for clients, for whom I am creating or simply maintaining these blogs.