
Showing posts with label Leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leader. Show all posts

Miriam Defensor Santiago Quotes

Philippine - Academic, Author, Judge, Lawyer, Scholar, Stateswoman (Served in all three branches of the Philippine government: judicial, executive, and legislative.) - June 15, 1945 - September 29, 2016

12 Quotes Of Miriam Defensor Santiago

Await occasions and never hurry.

Life is a consequence of our moral choices.

Hindi lahat ng sweet ay loyal sa’yo. Tandaan, sweet nga ang candy, pero nakabalot naman sa plastic.

In a corrupt country, if you want to succeed in politics, you must keep your conscience under control.

A smart wife is one who makes sure she spends so much that her husband can't afford another woman.

It is wrong to think that happiness is a series of unrelated experiences. On the contrary, happiness is an ordered whole characterizing an entire life.

What is the meaning of life? This meaning is not for you to find, but for you to define. The meaning of life is found in the purposes that we pursue as we grow older.

I have no illusions about myself, about my life, about leaving a legacy, or making a mark in people's lives. We are so insignificant. We are only here for a blink.

Dare beyond your strength, hazard beyond your judgment, and in extremities, proceed in excellent hope. Bare the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.

In my view, leadership is the courage to take risks in defense of a position that is both legal and moral. The politician who tries to become a wise guy by becoming friends to everybody - corrupt or not - is not a leader.

Before I formulate an opinion, I try as a scholar and as an academician to read entire libraries on the topic and to listen to as many people as possible, regardless of whether they are savants or plain fools. However, once I have formed an opinion, I no longer want to change it. Only experience can tell me whether I'm right or I'm wrong. If I'm right, I will gloat a little bit about it. If I'm wrong, then I will excoriate myself, I will apologize publicly.

In my approaching old age, I am now supposed to share with you what life has taught me, and in the end to encapsulate for you what is the meaning of life. From where I am now, I find that these conundrums are easily answered. First, life teaches us that, whether we perceive it as predestined or as random, it is beyond any person's control. Second, there is no template for the meaning of life. Instead, the meaning of life is what you choose to make it mean. In making your choice, when you reach my age, your journey becomes an affirmation of the warning that life is a consequence of our moral choices.

Miriam Defensor Santiago Choices

In my approaching old age,

I am now supposed to share

with you what life has taught me,

and in the end to encapsulate

for you what is the meaning of life.

From where I am now,

I find that these conundrums

are easily answered.

First, life teaches us that,

whether we perceive it as predestined or as random,

it is beyond any person's control.

Second, there is no template for the meaning of life.

Instead, the meaning of life

is what you choose to make it mean.

In making your choice, when you reach my age,

your journey becomes an affirmation

of the warning

that life is a consequence of our moral choices.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

Miriam Defensor Santiago My Opinion

Before I formulate an opinion,

I try as a scholar and as an academician

to read entire libraries on the topic

and to listen to as many people as possible,

regardless of whether

they are savants or plain fools.

However, once I have formed an opinion,

I no longer want to change it.

Only experience can tell me

whether I'm right or I'm wrong.

If I'm right, I will gloat a little bit about it.

If I'm wrong, then I will excoriate myself,

I will apologize publicly.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

Miriam Defensor Santiago Leadership

In my view,

leadership is the courage

to take risks in defense of a position

that is both legal and moral.

The politician who tries

to become a wise guy

by becoming friends

to everybody - corrupt or not - is not a leader.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

Miriam Defensor Santiago Corrupt Country

In a corrupt country,

if you want to succeed in politics,

you must keep your conscience under control.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

Imran Khan Never Give Up

Never give up,

no matter how hard life gets

no matter how much pain you feel.

Pain will eventually subside,

nothing remains forever,

so keep going and don't give up.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan Iqbal's Work

When I was older,

I found Iqbal's work hugely inspirational.

He argued against an unquestioning acceptance

of Western democracy as the self-governing model,

and instead suggested that by following the rules of Islam

a society would tend naturally towards social justice,

tolerance, peace and equality.

Iqbal's interpretation of Islam differs

very widely from the narrow meaning

that is sometimes given to it.

For Iqbal, Islam is not just the name

for certain beliefs and forms of worship.

The difference between a Muslim and a non-Muslim

is not merely a theological one - it is a difference

of a fundamental attitude towards life.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan Responsibility

A leader should always

be ready

to take responsibility

for his decisions.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan Asked Pakistanis Of Four Things

Imran Khan asked Pakistanis of four things at the historic Lahore gathering.

1. We shall never lie and always speak the truth.

2. Leave our ego’s behind and only think of this Nation,
there are 11 crore Pakistanis living beneath poverty line.

3. We shall be brave and break the shackles of fear.

4. We have to bring Justice to this society,
even if our friends and relatives do injustice,
we shall be fair and bring them to Justice.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan True Leader And Courage

A leader must have

the courage

to take bold decisions

and stand by them.

Imran Khan

A.R. Lucas Meaning Of Love

We've been infected with this idea

that love is an emotion only felt between two people.

But love is universal. an energy.

a contagious force. a gift.

To offer money to a homeless man is to love.

To save a worm from the sun is to love.

To smile at a stranger is love.

To be grateful, to be hopeful,

to be brave, to be forgiving,

to be proud, is to love.

A.R. Lucas

Imran Khan Quotes

Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi is a Pakistani politician and former cricket captain who served as the 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan from August 2018 until April 2022, when he was ousted through a no-confidence motion in the National Assembly. He is the founder and chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. Born: October 5, 1952, Lahore, Pakistan

10 Quotes Of Imran Khan

Compromise for your dreams but never compromise on your dreams.

Talent or Intelligence does not matter. It's your dreams that will decide how big a person you'll become in life.

A condemned poor man, if steals to feed his starving kid, is slammed into prison. Contrast this to a rich man's crime. 

A leader must have the courage to take bold decisions and stand by them.

Imran Khan asked Pakistanis of four things at the historic Lahore gathering.

a. We shall never lie and always speak the truth.

b. Leave our ego’s behind and only think of this Nation, there are 11 crore Pakistanis living beneath poverty line.

c. We shall be brave and break the shackles of fear.

d. We have to bring Justice to this society, even if our friends and relatives do injustice, we shall be fair and bring them to Justice.

A leader should always be ready to take responsibility for his decisions.

When I was older, I found Iqbal's work hugely inspirational. He argued against an unquestioning acceptance of Western democracy as the self-governing model, and instead suggested that by following the rules of Islam a society would tend naturally towards social justice, tolerance, peace and equality. Iqbal's interpretation of Islam differs very widely from the narrow meaning that is sometimes given to it. For Iqbal, Islam is not just the name for certain beliefs and forms of worship. The difference between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is not merely a theological one - it is a difference of a fundamental attitude towards life.

Never give up, no matter how hard life gets no matter how much pain you feel. Pain will eventually subside, nothing remains forever, so keep going and don't give up.

Iqbal not only conceived of a self-governing Muslim state, his passionate voice awakened and activated Indian Muslims, motivating them not only to strive to free themselves from the bondage of imperialism and colonialism, but also to challenge other forms of totalitarian control. Believing fervently in human equality and the right of human beings to dignity, justice and freedom, Iqbal empowered the dis-empowered to stand up and be counted.

I felt like the Islamic scholar Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905), who said on his return from a trip to Europe to his homeland Egypt 'I saw no Muslims in Europe but I saw a lot of Islam,' and of his homeland 'There are a lot of Muslims here but no Islam.'

Rabindranath Tagore Limit A Child

Don't limit a child

to your own learning,

For he was born

in another time.

Rabindranath Tagore

Thucydides Society Scholars Warriors

The society that separates its scholars

from its warriors

will have its

thinking done by cowards

and its fighting by fools.


Imran Khan Talent Intelligence Dreams

Talent or Intelligence does not matter.

It's your dreams that will decide

how big a person you'll become in life.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan On Compromise

Compromise for your dreams


Never compromise on your dreams.

Imran Khan

Bob Marley, What Is Important?

What's important is

man should live

in righteousness,

in natural love for mankind.

Bob Marley

Bob Marley, Stand Up And Fight

Get up, stand up, 

Stand up for your rights. 

Get up, stand up, 

Don't give up the fight.

Bob Marley

Bob Marley, World Soul And Gold

Don't gain the world 

and lose your soul; 

wisdom is better 

than silver or gold.

Bob Marley

Bob Marley, Good Thing About Music

One good thing about music,

when it hits you,

you feel no pain.

Bob Marley

About Me

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I knew I could make money online since the internet's infancy, so I was always creating sites while everyone else was just finding chat rooms and chat buddies. Many of the blogs on this list are my own, but some are for clients, for whom I am creating or simply maintaining these blogs.