
Showing posts with label Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rights. Show all posts

Miriam Defensor Santiago Corrupt Country

In a corrupt country,

if you want to succeed in politics,

you must keep your conscience under control.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

Imran Khan Allama Iqbal Justice Freedom

Iqbal not only conceived

of a self-governing Muslim state,

his passionate voice awakened

and activated Indian Muslims,

motivating them not only

to strive to free themselves

from the bondage of

imperialism and colonialism,

but also to challenge

other forms of totalitarian control.

Believing fervently in human equality

and the right of human beings to dignity,

justice and freedom,

Iqbal empowered the dis-empowered

to stand up and be counted.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan Iqbal's Work

When I was older,

I found Iqbal's work hugely inspirational.

He argued against an unquestioning acceptance

of Western democracy as the self-governing model,

and instead suggested that by following the rules of Islam

a society would tend naturally towards social justice,

tolerance, peace and equality.

Iqbal's interpretation of Islam differs

very widely from the narrow meaning

that is sometimes given to it.

For Iqbal, Islam is not just the name

for certain beliefs and forms of worship.

The difference between a Muslim and a non-Muslim

is not merely a theological one - it is a difference

of a fundamental attitude towards life.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan Asked Pakistanis Of Four Things

Imran Khan asked Pakistanis of four things at the historic Lahore gathering.

1. We shall never lie and always speak the truth.

2. Leave our ego’s behind and only think of this Nation,
there are 11 crore Pakistanis living beneath poverty line.

3. We shall be brave and break the shackles of fear.

4. We have to bring Justice to this society,
even if our friends and relatives do injustice,
we shall be fair and bring them to Justice.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan Poor Man Vs Rich Man

A condemned poor man,

if steals to feed his starving kid,

is slammed into prison.

Contrast this to a rich man's crime.

Imran Khan

A.R. Lucas Quotes

A.R. Lucas is a writer and a dreamer. Born: ??? (I am still searching for real A.R. Lucas and more info on this creative mind)

8 Quotes Of A.R. Lucas

Maybe I'm just doomed to love you, and I find the irony in that to be exceptionally beautiful.

You say I'm the kind of boy that sad girls run away with, but this time I'm not running, because you're the kind of girl that wild boys settle down for.

It's a wicked sort of madness, isn't it? To live this life searching for who you are in a world where people are told who they should to be.

Don't ever think yourself bigger than another life, little human. Time makes us all prey eventually.

You were there when I was at my worst. A time in my life when I truly believed that the world hated me as much as I hated myself. Yet even then you let me into your heart like it was nothing more than a door. For the first time in my life I feel as though I have found a human who'll stay until the end, and for that I'll never be grateful enough. Thank you for holding this fragmented heart together. Sad boys like me desperately need love like this from a girl like you. Thank You.

Keep your clothes on tonight, my darling. let your skin rest. there are other ways of loving.

We've been infected with this idea that love is an emotion only felt between two people. But love is universal. an energy. a contagious force. a gift. To offer money to a homeless man is to love. To save a worm from the sun is to love. To smile at a stranger is love. To be grateful, to be hopeful, to be brave, to be forgiving, to be proud, is to love.

I'm attracted to intelligence. Don't get me wrong, a perfectly crafted body will certainly get my attention, but I'll get bored with it. I always do. I need you to outsmart me. Make me feel like I could learn from you, grow with you. Do that and you have me forever.

A.R. Lucas Meaning Of Love

We've been infected with this idea

that love is an emotion only felt between two people.

But love is universal. an energy.

a contagious force. a gift.

To offer money to a homeless man is to love.

To save a worm from the sun is to love.

To smile at a stranger is love.

To be grateful, to be hopeful,

to be brave, to be forgiving,

to be proud, is to love.

A.R. Lucas

A.R. Lucas Keep Your Clothes On My Darling

Keep your clothes on tonight,

my darling.

let your skin rest.

there are other ways of loving.

A.R. Lucas

A.R. Lucas Wicked Sort Of Madness

It's a wicked sort of madness,

isn't it?

To live this life

searching for who you are

in a world where people are told

who they should to be.

A.R. Lucas

Power Of Privacy

A Privacy is power.

What people don't know,

they can't ruin.


Rabindranath Tagore Limit A Child

Don't limit a child

to your own learning,

For he was born

in another time.

Rabindranath Tagore

Imran Khan On Compromise

Compromise for your dreams


Never compromise on your dreams.

Imran Khan

Bob Marley, Stand Up And Fight

Get up, stand up, 

Stand up for your rights. 

Get up, stand up, 

Don't give up the fight.

Bob Marley

About Me

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I knew I could make money online since the internet's infancy, so I was always creating sites while everyone else was just finding chat rooms and chat buddies. Many of the blogs on this list are my own, but some are for clients, for whom I am creating or simply maintaining these blogs.