
Showing posts with label Anonymous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anonymous. Show all posts

Ancient Chinese Proverb Invisible Thread

An invisible thread connects those

who are destined to meet,

regardless of time, place, and circumstance.

The thread may stretch or tangle.

But it will never break.

Ancient Chinese Proverb

Power Of Privacy

A Privacy is power.

What people don't know,

they can't ruin.


A Strong Relationship

A strong relationship

is not just about loving each other,

it's also about

being best friends

and having each other's backs.


The hardest walk is...

 The hardest walk

is walking alone, 

but it's also the walk

that makes you

the strongest.


Your Ugly Side

People will provoke you

until they bring out your ugly side,

then play victim when you go there.


When You Start Standing Up For Yourself

You don't lose real friends,

real opportunities or real relationships 

when you start standing up for yourself 

and setting clear boundaries. 

You lose abusers, 

manipulators, narcissists, attention seekers, 

and mental health-destroying leeches.


Action And Idea

Advise,Anonymous,Desires,dreams,Lessons,Motivation,progress,Self Help,Value,Wisdom & Knowledge,


without action is 


Most Dangerous Creature On Earth

Advise,Anonymous,Humanity,Lessons,Relationship,Society,Value,Wisdom & Knowledge,

The most dangerous 

creature on this planet 

is a fake friend.

Open Your Hand For Success

Advise,Anonymous,Desires,dreams,Lessons,progress,Value,Wisdom & Knowledge,

Sometimes it's hard to open your hand,

but you need to.

Find A Way, Believe In Yourself

As long as 

you believe in yourself 

there will always be a way for you.

Knowledge Wisdom And Humanity

Advice., Advise,Anonymous,Community,Humanity,Lessons,progress,Society,Strength,Value,Wisdom & Knowledge,

Gaining knowledge is 

the first step to wisdom.

Sharing it, is the first 

step to humanity.

Sign Of True Leader

Leader,Anonymous,Strength,Value,Wisdom & Knowledge,

A leader is one who

knows the way,
goes the way and 

shows the way.

Rumors and Fools

Lessons,Advise,Anonymous,Wisdom & Knowledge,Community,

Always remember... Rumors are
carried by haters, spread by fools,

and accepted by idiots.

Cry as hard as you want

Advise, Anonymous, Lessons, Motivation,

Cry as hard as you want to.

But make sure when you stop crying,

you'll never cry again

for the same reason.

Best Religion Best Ideology

Relationship, Religion, Humanity, Advise, Anonymous, Family, Society, Wisdom & Knowledge

Be wary of any belief or ideology

That promotes division between you 

and your fellow human beings.

Stupid, Truth & Lies

Stupid is knowing

the truth,

seeing the truth,

but still

believing the lies.

People Will Never Support You

Some people will

never support you

because they are afraid

of what you might become.

A Mistake

A mistake that

makes you humble

is better than

an achievement

that makes you


Silence & Checkmate

Move in silence; 

only speak when 

it’s time to say 


A Bird Sitting on A Tree

A bird sitting on a tree 

is never afraid of 

the branch breaking, 

because her trust is not on

 the branch but on its own wings. 

Always believe in yourself.

About Me

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I knew I could make money online since the internet's infancy, so I was always creating sites while everyone else was just finding chat rooms and chat buddies. Many of the blogs on this list are my own, but some are for clients, for whom I am creating or simply maintaining these blogs.