
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

Hulk Hogan I Bought The Name

I own Hulk Hogan, Hulkamania, Hulkster.

I’m one of the few guys who own the name,

rights, trademarks, and licenses.

Vince goes, ‘I want you to be Hulk Hogan.’

‘What does Hulk Hogan mean?’

‘Ivan Putski for the Polish Americans,

Bruno Sammartino for the Italian Americans,

Chief Jay Strongbow for the Native Americans,

and Hulk Hogan for the Irish Americans.’

Vince gave me the name.

Vince Sr dies, Vince Jr takes over.

Right when Hulk Hogan takes off,

we get a call Marvel comics.

‘You’re infringing on our mark. Reasonably similar.

We’re going to sue you, put you in litigation.’

We let them have the name, didn’t license the name.

I only had to pay them one-tenth of 1%.

That went from 1985 to 2005. In 2005, it’s over.

Now, I can’t use Hulk Hogan anymore,

and I’m red hot in 2005.

I went to my attorney,

‘I don’t give a damn what deal you make,

you’re going to make a deal because I need the name.’

What happened was, I got a one-year extension

and I had to pay them 30% of everything I made.

Movies, TV wrestling, they got 30% of everything,

but if they decided to sell the name,

they had to give me first shot at it.

They couldn’t sell the name or do anything.

Fair market value. All of a sudden,

Marvel Comics gets in a bitchfest with WWE

about intellectual properties,

that they can’t re-air old Hulk Hogan matches.

Marvel Comics lost. They owe Vince $35 million.

They made a huge mistake.

They said, ‘Instead of paying $35 million,

how about we give you the Hulk Hogan name.’

I heard about it and went, ‘You screwed up now.’

Now, I don’t have to pay $35 million for the name,

you have to sell it for me for fair money value,’

which is only $750 grand. I bought the name back.

Vince wanted to buy the name from me.

‘Nah, I got this one.’

I bought the name back and I own everything.

Hulk Hogan

Miriam Defensor Santiago Smart Wife

A smart wife is one

who makes sure

she spends so much

that her husband

can't afford another woman.

Miriam Defensor Santiago

Cesare Pavese Quotes

Italian - Poet - September 9, 1908 - August 27, 1950
5 Quotes Of Cesare Pavese

One must look for one thing only, to find many.

We do not remember days, we remember moments.

No woman marries for money; they are all clever enough, before marrying a millionaire, to fall in love with him first.

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.

Living is like working out a long addition sum, and if you make a mistake in the first two totals you will never find the right answer. It means involving oneself in a complicated chain of circumstances.

Cesare Pavese Clever Woman And Love

No woman marries for money;

they are all clever enough,

before marrying a millionaire,

to fall in love with him first.

Cesare Pavese

Imran Khan Poor Man Vs Rich Man

A condemned poor man,

if steals to feed his starving kid,

is slammed into prison.

Contrast this to a rich man's crime.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan On Compromise

Compromise for your dreams


Never compromise on your dreams.

Imran Khan

Bob Marley, World Soul And Gold

Don't gain the world 

and lose your soul; 

wisdom is better 

than silver or gold.

Bob Marley

Bob Marley, Are You Satisfied

Open your eyes,

look within.

Are you satisfied

with the life you're living?

Bob Marley

Muhammad Ali Purpose And Journey

 Each time I thought

I had achieved

my life’s purpose;

I discovered it was

only another step

in my journey.

Muhammad Ali

Silence & Checkmate

Move in silence; 

only speak when 

it’s time to say 


All the Things you Never had & Knowledge

Instead of buying your children 

all the things you never had, 

you should teach them all the things 

you were never taught.

Material wears out but knowledge stays. 

Bruce Lee

Loyalty Test of Men & Women

A woman’s loyalty is tested

when her man has nothing.

A man’s loyalty is tested

when he has everything.

Hard Times & Strong Men

Hard times create strong men

Strong men create good times

Good times create weak men

Weak men create hard times

If Money Makes You Happy In A Relationship

If money is what makes you happy 

in a relationship 

you don’t need a man 

you need a job.

Stomach, Pocket & Broken Heart

A hungry stomach, 

an empty pocket, 

and a broken heart 

can teach the best lessons of life.

No billionaire made it through salary

No billionaire made it through salary.

About Me

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I knew I could make money online since the internet's infancy, so I was always creating sites while everyone else was just finding chat rooms and chat buddies. Many of the blogs on this list are my own, but some are for clients, for whom I am creating or simply maintaining these blogs.