
Showing posts with label Muhammad Ali. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muhammad Ali. Show all posts

Muhammad Ali No Fighter Like Me

Now, a whole lot of people ain't going to like this.

But I'm going to tell you the truth - you asked me.

It's too many great old champions

to go listing them one by one.

But ain't no need to.

I think that Joe Louis, in his prime,

could have whipped them all.

I mean anyone you want to name.

And I would have beat Louis.

- Now, look - people don't like to face the facts.

- All they can think about is Joe Louis' punch.

Well, he did have a punch, just like Liston has a punch.

But if Louis didn't hit nothing but air,

like Liston didn't with me,

then we got to look at other things.

Even if Louis did hit me a few times,

remember they all said Liston was a tougher

one-punch man than even Joe Louis.

And I took some of Liston's best punches.

Remember that.

- Then, too, I'm taller than Louis.

But I tell you what would decide the fight:

I'm faster than Louis was.

No, Louis and none of the rest of them couldn't whip me.

Look - it ain't never been another fighter like me.

Ain't never been no nothing like me.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes

American - Boxer January 17, 1942 - June 3, 2016

14 Quotes Of Muhammad Ali

I don’t count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.

Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world. 

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming.

We can’t be brave without fear.

There are no pleasures in a fight, but some of my fights have been a pleasure to win.

I'm a fighter. I believe in the eye-for-an-eye business. I'm no cheek turner. I got no respect for a man who won't hit back. You kill my dog, you better hide your cat.

Each time I thought I had achieved my life’s purpose; I discovered it was only another step in my journey.

I would like to be remembered as a man who won the heavyweight title three times. Who was humorous and who treated everyone right. As a man who never looked down on those who looked up to him, and who helped as many people as he could. As a man who stood up for his beliefs no matter what. As a man who tried to unite all humankind through faith and love. And if all that's too much, then I guess I’d settle for being remembered only as a great boxer who became a leader and a champion of his people. And I wouldn’t even mind if folks forgot how pretty I was.

Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, and a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, and they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.

Each time I thought I had achieved my life’s purpose; I discovered it was only another step in my journey.

Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, and a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, and they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.

Now, a whole lot of people ain't going to like this. But I'm going to tell you the truth - you asked me. It's too many great old champions to go listing them one by one. But ain't no need to. I think that Joe Louis, in his prime, could have whipped them all. I mean anyone you want to name. And I would have beat Louis. - Now, look - people don't like to face the facts. - All they can think about is Joe Louis' punch. Well, he did have a punch, just like Liston has a punch. But if Louis didn't hit nothing but air, like Liston didn't with me, then we got to look at other things. Even if Louis did hit me a few times, remember they all said Liston was a tougher one-punch man than even Joe Louis. And I took some of Liston's best punches. Remember that. - Then, too, I'm taller than Louis. But I tell you what would decide the fight: I'm faster than Louis was. No, Louis and none of the rest of them couldn't whip me. Look - it ain't never been another fighter like me. Ain't never been no nothing like me.

Muhammad Ali How Many sit-ups

I don’t count my sit-ups; 

I only start counting 

when it starts hurting 

because they’re the only ones 

that count. 

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali What Is Impossible

Impossible is not a fact.

It’s an opinion.

Impossible is not a declaration.

It’s a dare.

Impossible is potential.

Impossible is temporary.

Impossible is nothing.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Love And Better World

I wish 

people would love 

everybody else 

the way they love me. 

It would be a better world. 

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali, Wake Up

The best way
to make your
dreams come true
is to wake up.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Pleasure Of Fight

There are no pleasures in a fight,
but some of my fights 

have been a pleasure to win.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Eye For An Eye

I'm a fighter.

I believe in the eye-for-an-eye business.

I'm no cheek turner.

I got no respect for a man who won't hit back.

You kill my dog, you better hide your cat.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Purpose And Journey

 Each time I thought

I had achieved

my life’s purpose;

I discovered it was

only another step

in my journey.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Remember Me

 I would like to be remembered as a man who 

won the heavyweight title three times.
Who was humorous and who treated everyone right. 

As a man who never looked down 

on those who looked up to him, 

and who helped as many people as he could. 

As a man who stood up for his beliefs no matter what. 

As a man who tried to unite all humankind 

through faith and love. 

And if all that's too much, 

then I guess I’d settle for being remembered only as 

a great boxer who became a leader 

and a champion of his people. 

And I wouldn’t even mind if 

folks forgot how pretty I was.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Champions

Champions aren't made in gyms.

Champions are made from something

they have deep inside them:

A desire, a dream, and a vision.

They have to have last-minute stamina,

they have to be a little faster,

and they have to have the skill and the will.

But the will must be stronger than the skill.

Muhammad Ali

Life’s Purpose & Step In Journey

Each time I thought

I had achieved

my life’s purpose;

I discovered it was

only another step

in my journey.

Muhammad Ali

Champions Aren't Made In Gyms

Champions aren't made in gyms. 

Champions are made from something

they have deep inside them: 

A desire, a dream, and a vision. 

They have to have last-minute stamina, 

they have to be a little faster, 

and they have to have the skill and the will. 

But the will must be stronger than the skill. 

Muhammad Ali

About Me

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I knew I could make money online since the internet's infancy, so I was always creating sites while everyone else was just finding chat rooms and chat buddies. Many of the blogs on this list are my own, but some are for clients, for whom I am creating or simply maintaining these blogs.