Now, a whole lot of people ain't going to like this.
But I'm going to tell you the truth - you asked me.
It's too many great old champions
to go listing them one by one.
But ain't no need to.
I think that Joe Louis, in his prime,
could have whipped them all.
I mean anyone you want to name.
And I would have beat Louis.
- Now, look - people don't like to face the facts.
- All they can think about is Joe Louis' punch.
Well, he did have a punch, just like Liston has a punch.
But if Louis didn't hit nothing but air,
like Liston didn't with me,
then we got to look at other things.
Even if Louis did hit me a few times,
remember they all said Liston was a tougher
one-punch man than even Joe Louis.
And I took some of Liston's best punches.
Remember that.
- Then, too, I'm taller than Louis.
But I tell you what would decide the fight:
I'm faster than Louis was.
No, Louis and none of the rest of them couldn't whip me.
Look - it ain't never been another fighter like me.
Ain't never been no nothing like me.
Muhammad Ali