
Showing posts with label Not Sure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Not Sure. Show all posts

Ancient Chinese Proverb Invisible Thread

An invisible thread connects those

who are destined to meet,

regardless of time, place, and circumstance.

The thread may stretch or tangle.

But it will never break.

Ancient Chinese Proverb

Muhammad Ali About Life

Life is so, 

so short. 

Bible says it’s like a vapor.
Muhammad Ali

Your Ugly Side

People will provoke you

until they bring out your ugly side,

then play victim when you go there.


When You Start Standing Up For Yourself

You don't lose real friends,

real opportunities or real relationships 

when you start standing up for yourself 

and setting clear boundaries. 

You lose abusers, 

manipulators, narcissists, attention seekers, 

and mental health-destroying leeches.


Water & Value

Once you carry 

your own water 

you will know 

the value of 

every drop.

(African) (Not Sure)

About Me

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I knew I could make money online since the internet's infancy, so I was always creating sites while everyone else was just finding chat rooms and chat buddies. Many of the blogs on this list are my own, but some are for clients, for whom I am creating or simply maintaining these blogs.