
A.R. Lucas You Were There - Thank You

You were there when I was at my worst.

A time in my life when

I truly believed that the world hated me

as much as I hated myself.

Yet even then you let me into your heart

like it was nothing more than a door.

For the first time in my life

I feel as though I have found a human

who'll stay until the end,

and for that I'll never be grateful enough.

Thank you for holding this fragmented heart together.

Sad boys like me desperately need love

like this from a girl like you.

Thank You.

A.R. Lucas

About Me

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I knew I could make money online since the internet's infancy, so I was always creating sites while everyone else was just finding chat rooms and chat buddies. Many of the blogs on this list are my own, but some are for clients, for whom I am creating or simply maintaining these blogs.